Saturday, 18 February 2012

Disco's and Ponies and Peacocks... Oh My!

Silk Shirt: Disco Pony ltd Edition, Peacock Pants: HK, Wedges: Asos, Belt: Vintage
spot the "missing" link!
I'm back baby! Hello Chictopia! 
Whipping out the Peacocks again! Oh yeah! This time, I thought a little clash of the animals might be kinda zootastic! We got some Ponies, we got some Peacocks, we got some no hat-hair up action too even! Woah!
My poor sunglasses have been broken for months, I've lost my favorite black cheapo ones like this, and left my Prada swirly replacements at a friends house waaaay back last summer... I'm actually the kind of person who wraps tape around my broken glasses, no shame- dont care, whatever works- hideous I know!!! But I clearly have some because I removed the sticky tape and went without an entire ??? thingamyjig? whats that bit of your sunglasses actually called??? Gah! Weird! Stick thing- for the purpose of this shoot!
I haven't worn my silk Disco Pony shirt enough... It's such a perfect little thing! Neiiigh!
Happy Saturday xx

Photography by Albert Dedeu


Marta Merino said...

So beautiful!! (:

MonochromeMagpie said...

Such a chic look, loving the mix of prints x

Monochrome Magpie

Lippylash said...

I love how you combine these different prints. A lot of people would be scared! I would totally copy this look from top to bottom with a pair of sunglasses that has the little handles/ Smligina...

Her Persona said...

great combo of different prints.

Arina Nahya N Nafia said...

love your top so much!

Andy said...

Darling, make a boy version of the shirt! It's amazing. I want one! (pour homme, of course) xx

Halie said...

Loving those patterns.

Ashley Odum Writes said...

You look lovely! I hadn't noticed that it was missing the...uhm...doohicky stick thing???...until you pointed it out...Lol

Tonya said...

I absolutely adore the pattern mixing! So cool! The top is my favorite, i love the design. And you look beautiful as always :)

SarahOfCourse said...

wow. that's so beautiful! have to follow you:)

The Disco Pony Girl (CEO and Designer at Disco Pony) said...

Thanks everybaaady!!! :))) <3

Divine Kid said...

Gosh, I love the mix and the wedges! Lovely! Greetings from Germany, Davina

julie digs design said...

Love the mixed prints!

Alizée said...

You are so beautiful! I love all your outfit!

You have a nice blog, im happy find it :)

Xxx Lizzie

Unknown said...

I love the mix of prints in your outfit! Perfectly paired with your red belt!


Julia from