Saturday, 25 February 2012

The Natalie Bronze Sequin IS BACK-(less) Ponies!!!

Post by Erin of Apartment 34 

Natalie in her "Nataile Bronze" Disco Pony jumper

I am literally OVER THE MOON to announce that the Natalie Bronze Sequin... number one lusted after Disco Pony item to date... more so than the dress even IS BACK!!! It's back! I literally feel like a mother at the airport after first born child has been away on gap yaaah!!! A tear to my eye!!!
So for all of your lusters... get on the email and step to ordering yours, before Zara decides to make something else with it and buy it all up again!!! So excited- seriously!!! Now to email all you poor ponies out there who were so sad at the sold out status! HAPPY NEWS TIME! :) xx

Photography by Albert Dedeu, Capture courtesy of Erin @ Apartment 34