Monday, 30 April 2012

The Disco Pony Brocade Panel Skirt SS12

Pastel Blue and Gold Brocade Flora Skirt: SS12 Disco Pony, Shoesies: Zara

I thought this baby was gone forever- alas the god's smiled upon the Pony and let it still happen! My all time favorite piece I have ever created... I rarely take mine off! There is limited stock as ever- but stock nonetheless! WOO! Order enquiries to:
Keep an eye out for next seasons versions- coz they are beauts! xx

Photography by Albert Dedeu


Yuki Lusiana Eka said...

AAA! Super love your skirt<3

Her Persona said...

ur skirt and heels are fab

Ankita said...

"nice skirt and hat"


I adore it. and the shoes! and the hat! I love it all.

p.s. scoobs is missing here

The Disco Pony Girl (CEO and Designer at Disco Pony) said...

haha Ankita! The skirt's all that matters!!! Screw the hat n shoes! ;) xxx

elle said...

I've seen those shoes on two great blogs now - are they at all comfortable? I never buy mass produced shoes, but they're very attractive.

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Helen at THELOVECATSINC said...


love your blog, definitely going to be a new follower!

from, helen at

Run With Fashion said...

Love the skirt, nice job on the design of it! :D
Does it have pockets? or am I seeing things? O.o
