Sunday 26 June 2011

I'm Coming Home Baby!

Old Skool Barcelona Shoot! Here
Awwwww-balls! Having just left an Ombre-related message for a fellow blogger which, I had a little/MAHJOR bout of excitement at these Ombre/Barcelona/Puppy pictures! So here one is!!! I am sooo utterly excited to have my flight back to Barcelona booked... not only because I get to kiss the ground of Barcelona after my loooong Hong Kong absence, not just because I get to see my favorite friends ever ever everrrr, but BECAUSSSSEEEE I GET TO SEE MY DOGGY! Sir Scoobs as he likes to be called! Who out there can say that being away from their puppy is not the worst thing since missing the bus by .1 seconds when it's pouring with rain??? (is .1 even worth of being plural?!?!?!) My excitement has been heightened at my complete distain for London town, and Hefty reminder over these past two days of quite how much I hate that place! Nothing is simple... everybody is rude, and it rains consistently, to name but a few minor issues I have with it!!! (I will stop myself now, else this could turn into a whole other blog angry, awful, totally unpleasant one!!!) STOPPING! But just quickly! I left London a year ago feeling everybody was very much "fashion"... I felt Barcelona didn't quite live up to it's quirkiness... when in reality it does, one just has to look a bit harder... ANYWAY... point being, having now lived in Asia and been surrounded daily by the ultra fashion forward, skinny minny culture they have, where the girls all look AHMAZING, and make me feel like a big fatty with terrible hair, London now seems rather gross! It's so funny what exposure to different opinions of what beautifulness is can do for/to a girl!!! I'm most pleased for having of all this exposure... it's very refreshing to know that not everything deemed "chic" in one country is "chic" in another... as obvious as that sounds, it's a different feeling when you actually know it! Big love to you all... I've just looked at the clock on my mac, its still in HK time... 6am! I wonder if I can wake Albert up yet! Otherwise it's another 8 hours without him :( boo. xx

Photography by Albert Dedeu

Friday 24 June 2011 Feature & Interview!

For the full interview click here!

What an honor is is to be up there with the best of them! I was recently asked by Emily of to be a part of their blog love feature, which most excitingly showcases all my favorite bloggers... Natalie Off Duty, Something Navy, Sincerely Jules, Trop rouge... (The list goes onnnn!) and their beautiful blogs. I've always loved this segment they have done, so to be asked to be a part of it was completely amazing! I am so honored that they actually read my blog and had such lovely things to say about it! :) Honor, honor, honor... word of the moment!!! This site is fantastic if you don't already peruse it on a daily basis... you will love! I hope you enjoy the interview... I really enjoyed doing it, it's nice to be asked questions you don't really ask yourself! I'm preparing to head up to London now for the weekend to see friends and some family, before I head back to Barcelona... Most excited to get some quality friend time in before I become a slave to the Disco again in hotter, more humid climates!!!
So much love and thank you for all the lovely comments on my last post... it's extra amazeballs when you guys actually take the time to read what I write! So thanks!!! I will respond... I promise! xx

From London to Barcelona, and now Hong Kong, blogger Zoey Crystyna has lived in some amazing places around the world – and she brings that international savvy to her style blog, Make Shift Model. Zoey has been offering up sneak peeks at her debut fashion line, Disco Pony, and it looks like it's going to be a huge hit, with sequins and sparkles in spades. Her enthusiasm and passion for her creative endeavors is truly inspiring, and we couldn't wait to learn a little more about Disco Pony, the evolution of her blog, and what she'll do next.
StyledOn: Tell us a little about yourself – how did you get into blogging?
Zoey Crystyna: Before I moved to Barcelona with my fiance, I was doing my degree in Fine Art and Philosophy at Goldsmiths in London. That was my introduction to hard-core-hipster-cool in terms of fashion! I've never felt so completely unfashionable than when I started university here! It took me a while experimenting with all the new things I was seeing to find my style, and it wasn't until I got out to Barcelona that I really found it and thought to put it all into a blog.
SO: Tell us about Disco Pony!
ZC: Ahh, Disco Pony! My baby! This is a pretty lengthy tale, so I shall try to keep it short-ish! Disco Pony has been an amalgamation of luck, determination, hard work, and a willingness to move to the other side of the world! I come from a family of artists, designers and draftsmen. It is a part of who we are to be drawing and making things, and I have always been sketching up designs and dreaming up the perfect outfits. Be it destiny, luck or circumstance, I was given an opportunity to put all these designs and ideas into my own fashion company. That's not to say I didn't work insanely hard to actually make it happen, but I was certainly blessed by more than a sprinkle of good timing with this one!

SO: What are your style words to live by?
ZC: Any number of wonderful words of wisdom that come from the beautiful ladies of Advanced Style. Seth's blog introduction sums it up nicely however: "Proof from the wise and silver haired set that personal style advances with age". These ladies are my ultimate inspiration.

SO: What are your career aspirations?
ZC: As any mother would her baby, I want to see Disco Pony grow up to be strong and successful. I feel like I have finally found my place in the world, after a lot of searching over the years, so to see Disco Pony flourish would be an incredible achievement. Aside from that, I will always be singing. I was training to sing Opera with an incredible woman before I left Barcelona… So now I am on the hunt for her Hong Kong equal! Disco Pony is still a baby however, so I'm quite exhausted from all his newborn demands!

SO: If you could collaborate with someone on a fashion-related project, who and what would it be?
ZC: I'm rather fortunate to have one of the most talented, incredible artists as my Aunty, best friend and all round life ally. We've been scheming up a joint project for a while now, and I'm so excited to sit down and start sketching. This is a woman who has the most spectacular archive of paintings I've ever seen… all of which will translate stunningly onto cloth!

SO: What is the most treasured item in your closet?
ZC: My black vintage fedora. It belonged to my fiancé's grandfather. I've heard incredible stories about this man, who escaped from a concentration camp in the Spanish Civil war. The fact that his hat is now almost surgically attached to my head is somehow quite wonderful!

SO: What’s at the top of your wishlist right now?
ZC: Another hat… I can't have too many hats!

SO: Is there one item you think every woman should own?
ZC: Can I say a hat again?? Okay, I will try to switch it up! Every woman should own a red lipstick. Nothing makes a face light up better than a red lip!

SO: We love your blog and read it on a regular basis. Which blogs do you read the most?
ZC: Thank you! I'm honored! I am obsessed with Advanced Style. This is hands down the most inspirational blog out there. Never have I left this site feeling anything but excited about getting older and being able to let my freak flag fly! Not that there is anything remotely freaky about these incredible women. They are the epitome of beautiful, amazing... everything wonderful basically! Another blog I revel in is According To Annika. This girl is going places, and quickly! I love her, she writes with an honesty I can only aspire to! I should also mention Natalie Off Duty, since this is the girl whose blog got me excited to start one myself! Since then, she has become a really close friend – I even named my first Disco Pony dress after her! I will never tire of seeing what she's up to!

SO: Tell us something about yourself that we might not expect.
ZC: I was trained as a Chorister from a young age, and spent my school years between the Cathedral pews singing psalms and anthems in the classroom. This was the most valuable, wonderful experience growing up. We were one of the first girls' Cathedral choirs in the world and got to record a beautiful album. It was the best vocal training a person could have… long hours, before and after school, even Christmas day. I wish I could have carried on, but they throw you out come 15 to make way for the next lot of girls. Our voices don't break like the boys, and if they didn't set us free we'd end up as an "Advanced Choir!" It just wouldn't sound the same!

Photography by Albert Dedeu

Thursday 23 June 2011

Behind The Scenes... Disco Pony!

The Silver Surfer: Disco Pony (Very much freaking out trying to do my make up with nervous, shaky hands!)
The Natalie Dress in Gold: Disco Pony
The Silver Surfer: Disco Pony

I've got exactly...urmmm, let me count it... 11 days until I am reunited in Spain with my super star blog photog mr man! Waaa I MISS HIMMMMM!!!! And on top of that, I miss prancing about in my heels and whatnot... It is most strange being away from blogging for so long, I hope I don't run too dry on bits and bobs to entertain! Eeekums!
I'm currently having the most nostalgic time in my home town, seeing friends and family and wondering the streets where I grew up... It's been long enough now since I left I think... (just) that I'm not completely freaking out about it, and can almost appreciate it! I took a bus into town to have dinner with one of my best friends in the world tonight, the whole bus thing a first in it'self! I got to see where I went to school and spent so much of my life! MAJOR NOSTALGIA! Amazing! It's good to get a bit of this in I feel... It's really nice to remember where you came from, where all your hopes and aspirations started. It feels amazing to regroup and reflect on how far you have come over the years, and see how life carries on, even when you are on the other side of the world... kinda scary, but as Dorothy so loves to say... "There's no place like home" and this place will always be my childhood home at the end of the day.
I'm still surfing the jetlag wave, so it's well past my bed time... I shall leave you with a few snaps from the Disco Pony shoot that haven't been seen yet! I've got a bit of work to do still on the website, but it should be up in the next two weeks, most excited! :)
I hope you are all well, happy and relaxed you lovely beans! Love and more

Photography by Albert Dedeu

Monday 20 June 2011

Lazy Girls!

Cream Panama Hat: Hong Kong Market, Lace Vest: Disco Pony (Trials) Silk Crepe "Lazy Girls Harems" in Orange with Gold Sequin Belt: Disco Pony, Wedges: Asos

Front! Website NOT up yet!

Okay, I couldn't do it... I had to switch the british blog post over to the Facebook side!!! I have to admit my photographic snobbery and move on! Over to things that are concerning me greatly... I MISS MY DISCO PONY BABY!!! I thought being back in Europe would force me into having a much needed break from Disco Pony 9am to midnight mania, but as it turns out, I now seem to have constant adrenalin rushing through me and sitting in my throat in the form of stress!!! I still have so much to do, but being away from the office in Hong Kong, I am literally helpless to do much at all! Boo hoooooo!
It is nice to be back in England after so much time however, and I shall be galavanting all over the shop in order to make the most of my mini visit before I am beckoned back to Spain and my doggy... Who has no idea we are about to ship him off to Hong Kong with us!!! Awwww! Here is a look at the Disco Pony "Lazy Girls". These bad boys are made from this incredible Silk Crepe De Chine, and come in both soft grey with a black sequin belt, and orange with a gold sequin belt. Come the cooler weather in HK they shall be my pant of choice... aptly named, they are the ideal Harems for those lazy days, when you just can't be bothered, but you know you really ought to look as though you are! Just plonk on some mega heels and they & you are ready for anything! (except a run at the gym... obv!) What do you guys think??! I hope you like them... I wish you could feel the fabric over the internet! It really is the softest, most lux feeling stuff! For the British post I so hastily removed earlier, you can find the pics on my Facebook page if you so wish!
The website for Disco Pony is under construction but will be out within the next two weeks! Most exciting! :) In the mean time here is a peek of my Business cards! Eeep! I hope you are all well and delighting in summer! Love and love xx

Photography by Albert Dedeu

Thursday 16 June 2011


Chictopia's Homepage
Wowzies! That was cool to wake up to this morning!!! If only there wasn't a message in my inbox resulting in my journey back to London being another 4 hour bus journey :(... oh god, this is going to be a loooong 2 days! Wish me luck!!! xx

Photography by Albert Dedeu

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Good Morning Nocturne!

Silk Maxi Dress: Nocturne, White Panama Hat: Wanchai Market, Hong Kong, Toes: Opi

Ello again!!! I don't know if you remember, but way back before I came out to Hong Kong I wrote a piece on the clothing line Nocturne. I have had my samples now for about 3 months, and have been trying to figure out the best place and time to shoot the pieces! We tried a couple of different dresses over the months, but each time the colors were just not popping like they really do... I had to find something extra special! We have been living in serviced apartments for the past few weeks whilst we were looking for our dream jungle house  (wooo, so excited!!!!) and I only just discovered the amazing roof top last Friday! Yeah, I know! I blame working like a lunatic... my usual self would have found it before we had even moved in...and be up there sunbathing daily!!! (Note my white, white skin- says it all!!!)
The immense skyscrapers and stunning colors compliment this very sculptural, almost architectural piece in the best way right?! I feel this dress was born to be worn (rhyme!) on the 33rd floor overlooking Hong Kong! We shot this at about 8am... perfect morning light... My favorite time to shoot... err, if you completely ignore the fact that I am still asleep! It's kinda hard to drag yourself up before work to shoot- i'm sure you agree! But well worth it this morning to see over Hong Kong before it/I was wide awake! God bless Albert for being such a trooper... We always find a way, no matter how busy things get! <3
I hope you have all had a good sleep, and are ready for Wednesday! Maybe you are on holiday??? LUCKYYY!!! If you get a chance, please do a little voting for me for the ELLE/GUESS comp, coz if I win, you win goodies!!! Lots of goodies!!! :)  p.s... I have given up with blogger and it's random decisions regarding the size of my pictures! I swear I do the same thing every time, yet it always comes out completely different! Most frustrating! xx
Photography by Albert Dedeu

Tuesday 14 June 2011

My Religion is Sequins...

Gold, Black and Silver Sequin Turbans: Disco Pony

Hello babies... oh, eeek... just as I am typing this, the air con has gone off in the office, and I am starting to swelter, and I think I may be locked in or something! It's... oh myyy, half past 8pm! It's kind of spooky here right now! I am going to write the fastest I have ever written I think!!!!
So... Here is the Disco Pony Sequin Turban... eeep, my new obsession for covering up my now consistant bad hair days! HK is huuumid... One can literally have the best hair in the world before leaving the house, then... BAM, it's all over as soon as the front door is open!!! It's awful really! Apart from that, I have officially destroyed my hair with last years "organic my ass" perm, the old Ombre... and two die jobs to cover it all up again!!! It's almost devastating... but it's hair, so I can't get too upset! It has a tendency to grow, which is tres lucky really! Soooo, point being, this hat/sequin turban of wonder is the perfect thing for a quick, but uber glam fix of the old hair issues! Sequins look especially good on the head for some reason... I think they bring out the sparkle in ones eyes... Spew, that sounded like pure gorgonzola cheese... sorry bout that!
I ventured back up to China for the last time until the next time I guess yesterday!!! My passport is officially full to the brim with stamps! I LOVE IT! I thought the days of stamps were well and truly over, but it seems China are still very much into passport decoration services! <3! Anyway, It was an incredibly loooong exhausting day, but I did it, and am thus happy to now have some of my favorite (hmmm, who am I kidding? They are all my favorite... I designed them!!!) Disco Pony pieces being lovingly handmade by my cheeky tailor as I type for some of my favourite bloggers! So very excited to see what they do with them upon arrival!!! I head back to London on Friday... I am officially cramming in a million and one things... and as you see, staying in the office until things are semi done! Today was a good one... I got some things ticked off... which makes me happy HAPPY!
Right, I shall leave you, with some more sequins! I hope your not sick of sequins yet!!! Just you wait!!!
How is everybody??? Tell me please! I like to know... seeing as I have no time to peruse your blogs right now, I feel I am missing out on a great deal!
Love and love lovelies!!!

ooo, P.S, today is the last day to get your votes in for the ELLE/GUESS AMBASSADOR comp... ID LOVE your support! :) THANKYOUUUUUUU OH SOSO!

Photography by Albert Dedeu

Monday 13 June 2011

Disco Pony Sets Sail

Add caption
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Sunglasses: Oysho, Striped Sequin Jacket: "Your Most Prized Jacket" Disco Pony, White Shorts: H&M, Toes: OPI, Sad un-made up face: Missing of Friends!!! (Gerry, Franny, Drew, Dommy, Julia, Lucy, Carol, Andy, Jonas, NatBalls, the list goes on! You know who you are!)
My best efforts not to be a mis!

I officially give up with blogger! If somebody were to check my stress levels right now, they would be deemed unsafe and I would be rushed off to a meditation room filled with lavender and oceanic sounds... Once let out, I would not be allowed near a computer, blogger or any type of device connected to the internet. And I should live happily ever after, stress free... surrounded by sequins... The story now starts to get a bit sad in my head... it involves un-made Disco Pony jackets and mounds of unwanted sequined fabric due to this lack of internet and people to see it... I shan't bore you with it all... it really is very sad!
Talking of sad (by the way, that rant/story was due to my not being able to upload images to the desired size, not due to lack of desperately, hopelessly trying I should add- so this blog is down about 6 more photos... I am sorry!) this is how I admittedly, and quite ashamedly felt whilst being driven around and dined on a 66foot yacht on Saturday. I say this not because I am a spoilt brat-type being... but because there is nothing sadder than being given beautiful, wonderful things and not being able to enjoy it with friends. I find nothing sadder that being surrounded by breathtaking beauty, that fills you with awe, and then turning around in desperation to share it with those you love, and being met with strangers... I always feel so sad and lonely when I'm doing the most exciting of things out here... I now feel guilty. I will end this tale of woe and guilt immediately and get onto more positive things!!!
Today we ventured back up to Sai Kung, and landed ourselves THE MOST GORGEOUS, JUNGLE PARADISE of a house! I cannot begin to tell you how much less depressed this has made me after my saturday of feeling sorry for myself sans my friends and what not!!! This place is incredible... and I feel completely and utterly blessed by the jungle to be living in it come July! (Or whenever I get back to Hong Kong that is!!!) I am so so excited to show you our new dwelling... photo shoots gallore shall have to commence once we are in!!!! Woo!
I'm off to China again for the last time before I go back to London on Friday... This time to visit my tailor to get some pieces made up for a surprise array of my all time favorite bloggers to sport! I am SO excited to see them in my designs! EEEP! :) They are going to rock them out so well I just know it!!!
I should really get some sleep now... it's well into the morning (6 minutes actually... but, I'm getting old!!!) Please excuse my less than made up face in these pics (well... the one picture you actually see my face!) I was sans make up, except for some trusty red lipstick- a must have, even for a boat!, smothered in factor 50, AAAANNNNDDD I had been blasting my face for the past 45 minutes at the front of the boat, Titanic style with headwinds that kinda blew my face off! Most enjoyable! Who needs oxygen facials when you have a speedy yacht!!!! (Cost: about the same!)
So my lovely things! I'm sorry this isnt the entire lookbook yet! I've been getting some demands! I just have to make sure the quality of the pics is high resolution enough for the blog.... I accidentally edited them all wrong, and halved the pixels, so when I uploaded them, well... you could almost make out my hat!!!
I hope you are all fresh and full of vitamin D after your weekends! :)
Photography by Albert Dedeu

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Some More You Ask!!!

Black Fedora: Vintage, Navy and Gold Striped Sequin Jacket: Disco Pony "Your Most Prized Jacket", High Waisted Shorts: American Apparel, Black Peep Toes Wedges: ASOS
Disco Pony update!!! Here is jacket number two for you lovely things! I love this jacket so much... It makes me crazy all sparkly and beautifully tailored! What better way to do stripes than in Navy and Gold Sequins!?!
This week is my final week here in Hong Kong for the next month or two before we move here permanently... So I am trying to cram every last bit of Disco Pony preparation I can before it's too late!! Aaagh! My head! I wanted to show you this little beauty second... Get the Jackets out there into the universe! I hope you like it! I hope you love it in fact!!! Thank you soooo much for all your wonderful responses to the "Silver Surfer" in the previous post! You guyssss! Make me blush and I Love you big big time!
I'm sorry for any lack in responses to people this week... I will more than make up for it once the craziness that is my life this week calms down a tad!!!
I hope you are all as happy as can be on this fine Wednesday! (It's actually nearly midnight here... so almost Thursday for me!) So much love to you all :) xx

Photography by Albert Dedeu

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Who wants to see some DISCO PONY?!!! (Lookbook Sneak Peek!)

Black Fedora: Vintage, Silver Sequin Jacket: "The Silver Surfer" Disco Pony, Knicker Shorts: HK undie store!

Hello most lovely things! WELL! To say I am completely and utterly exhausted right now is somewhat of an understatement! Buuuuuuut the weekend is up and the Disco Pony lookbook is now officially unofficially finished! (I think a revisit to the studio may be in order... sad, but true, but okay!)
I can't explain quite how nervous I was getting ready for this shoot... making sure I had prepared every piece, styled the look, triple checking it was where I could see it, getting to the gym before makeup- making sure I at least felt healthy and slimish! Getting my make up on... which by the way is just not recommended for a shaky, sweaty, nervous hand! Forgetting to eat, followed by a smoothie stress out so as not to ruin my shaky, nervous, sweaty handedly done make up! Then... getting across Hong Kong island to the studio with all the suitcases full of Disco Pony and shoes, a quick pit stop to pick up a stool, thennnnnn a make up re-touch after the humidity went and undid all my nervy efforts anyway, the unpacking of said Disco Pony pieces, a studio set up AND 13 outfit shots under the hottest of lights... whilst feeling completely gross and half asleep was all rather overwhelming! HOWEVER! I did it! And I am most proud of myself if I do say so! I am also truly thankful to my beautiful fiance who was by my side every second of the way... minus the morning gym session (understandably!) This man is also the genius behind the camera... so I take a minute to thank Sir Albert Dedeu!!! THANK YOU BABY! Besides a few retakes which require that entire process over again... I am so happy with the lookbook, and I cannot wait to show you all! I feel so lucky to be able to do this, and I hope sooo much you all like the Disco Pony line! I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend, one that was as beautiful and hot as it was here in HK.. coz it's SUMMER TIME!!! :)
Thanks soo much to all of you who voted/are voting for me in the ELLE/GUESS ambassador comp... You are the BEST! xx

Photography by Albert Dedeu

Friday 3 June 2011

Sunshine and Lace

Black Fedora: Vintage, Lace Top: Disco Pony Trials, Americana Flag Cut Off's: Disco Pony UNFINISHED trials! Hot Pink Wedges: Topshop. Vote for me @ the ELLE contest @

Aghh bummmms, this is my millionth time at uploading these pics, it keeps going wronnnnggggg!!! I also insist on breaking everything today too... I GUESS it's just one of those days! (see my sneaky advertising campaign going on there!! CLEVERR!) So... MY LOVES... I have had possibly THE WORST response from you with my ELLE/GUESS competition! In fact, you all keep skipping over that whole post to my previous one to comment! Do you not want me to win?!!?!? :( I shall have to up the ante a little bit and lure you all into voting for me by assuring you, that IF I do win... and I win the 1000 Pound Guess shopping spree, I will give away an entire outfit head to toe! So, some shoes, some jeans/shorts/skirt/whatever you please...and a top/jumper/whatnot! Soooo, the more you vote, the more likely you are to win some nice things for your wardrobes!!! Better?! YES :) 
Tomorrow was supposed to be the day of the lookbook shoot for Disco Pony, but, as everything goes, I have to wait eagerly one more day to do some mega posing!!!
There are infact a whole heap more piccies for this shoot, alas, I cannot upload them... I will do it randomly one day when my computer/internet allows me to! In personal news... I MISS MY FRIENDS! I'm going completely mad out here sans some of my favourites... The only person I have to talk to is my imaginary Disco Pony!!! HAHA, not quite... but it's starting to feel like that! :( Sad times for lonely Zo!!!
Right, on that truly depressing note, I shall leave you!!!! PLEASE VOTE, GET SOME GOODIES AS A REWARD! I will love you even more than I already do... and who knows what wonderous things that may bring about!
I have just Pimp Linked this post out! Sorry for that small violation of your trusted reading!!!
I hope you are all happy, happy... enjoying the first few days of summer...and it really is summery!!! xx

Photography by Albert Dedeu

Thursday 2 June 2011



 Im BAAACK! But sans pictures of me prancing around in my hat! (Actually, directly above, yup, there I am...doing just that!!!) But anywayyyyyy! I just awoke to an email I was about to Spam, because I had forgotten about entering entirely... BUT I'm glad I restrained myself, because I actually  got selected for the top 16 in the ELLE/GUESS global Street Chic Ambassador Contest! (Woah, mouthful!) Now, despite my forgetting about entering, this does not mean I do not want to win!!!! ;) It will send me back to Barcelona! And we all know how I feel about that! It's super duper easy, as it just involves one facebook click... I would be SO SO HAPPY if you guys could show your already amazing support to me for this... It would be super duper oompa loomparrrrr to win! I don't think I have ever actually won anything before!!! I even wrote a song about it... which is quite depressing, but I think I shall listen to it now... just in-case I don't, then I can feel like I am psychic or something similar and of this nature!!!
So, I shall plonk the link here yet again... some major plugging I am doing here! Ya gotta do whatcha gotta dooo right!!! :) I feel like an infomercial! Once again folks that number is 555-***-*** call it before it's too late!!!

Here it is!

Thank you, thank you, Thank youuu, THANK YOUUUU so so much for all your support, if not with this, with everything else! It really does mean so much to me :) (Spew over now!!!)
(mini me photo) Photography by Albert Dedeu!

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Brights Out!

Bright Striped Floppy Hat: Maple (HK), Cut out back Pink Dress: Asos, Fuschia Pink Wedges: Topshop, Toes n' nails: OPI

Right this second I think I may actually be dying of exhaustion at my desk... I fear I cannot go on!!! My bed is beckoning me to go back to it and pass out for the rest of the day! Lucky I'm my own boss... otherwise this may be quite tragic really! Is it just me or is this last picture sporting some weird lines at the bottom? My shoe wedges appear to have gone all Finsk like! Nice! But seriously now... LOOK AT THIS HAT! I mean, talk about awesomeballs! I was in a very clashy, clashy, bright, bright mood I reckon when I put this ensemble together!!! I've actually worn this dress already in "Hello Sunshine My Old Friend"... So, I'm making it a first to re-wear a look (I think... ? Don't quote me on that!)
Onto DISCO PONY NEWS!!! Yesterday... FINALLY a big sack arrived for me at the office! (Literally a sack! I should take a picture for you!) My heart was in my mouth from nerves as I'd had a dream the night before that everything was completely hideous and I threw a sequined jacket on the ground in protest that I could no longer do this!!! BUUT... everything was completely beautiful, just as pain-steakingly designed to be! A few glitches in there... but these shall be sorted out in time for take off! What's life without some sequin drama eigh!!!
I'm eating a Pret again... a cheese and pickle Pret to be precise. Oh how I do love it! Pret makes me rather happy while I am in HK... it gives me that reassuring "Starbucks" feeling of being home! (Not that London is in anyway my home now, but whilst living in Barcelona, I did sincerely miss Pret!) - For those of you who are like, err, Whatnow? Pret is a yummay yummay sandwich store- of which I have great love for! (Obv!)
3 more days until the lookbook shoot! Eeep! I'm most excited! I've been running around trying to get together looks for it... and just running around in general. (Mainly on a treadmill... trying to look model like for this lookbook!!!) Maybe that explains my tired... not sure. Might try and figure it out whilst I sleep! It's SO hot here in HK, walking back to the apartment might prove hard. I may not make it without finding a bench to curl up on! Make Shift Hobo could be the next installment! YEAH!
Thanks sooooooososososososoososososoooo mucho for all the wonderful comments on my black dress, both on here and Chictopia... I love you guys, the most supportive peeps ever to be... you keep me going! So THANKS! Right, I've managed to write too much for a tired person. Oft I go! Have a wonderful day wherever in the world you may be :) xx

Photography by Albert Dedeu