Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Channelling Liza!

This is quite literally how I spent/survived my East London life! Singing my heart out and playing dress up- instead of being social and young and whatnot!!! I lived in the most dodgy warehouse conversion, with paper thin walls and totally darling neighbors (please detect the sarcasm there!!!)... I would more than often look out my window (that was missing) in the mornings and desperately hope to not see any murders/ anti-semitic graffiti plastered over the Mosque/Synagogue divide! I wouldn't advise this type of living, but as hideous as it was... being an art student... It was rather apt really!
My mum just made me crack this old timer out and show the fam- Proper Christmas style!!! So I thought I'd share it with you! I'm hoping to make "DISCO PONY... THE MUSICAL"!!! hahahaha!!!
*I used a macbook pro and garage band to record this. xx
Singing "Maybe This Time" from the musical Cabaret, using a backing track.