Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Disco To The Maxi

Wearing: Disco Pony Maxi Sequin Dress "The Natalie Maxi" inquire here, Black Zip up Boots: Zara, Khaki Jacket: Maple HK

Ponies!!!! HELLOOO! It's been a big ol' while since I did some blog prancing! I think I've missed it!!! I've not missed wading through unsightly photos however, but I guess you gotta do the dirty work to get to the gold right!!! I think I'm somewhere between ego blogger and a business woman now! It's a process, but I'm very pleased to be heading toward the latter... Not to say I didn't just love doing a little photo shoot, I may even start doing more of them (maaaayyybeeee!!!)... The weather over here in Hong Kong is nothing less than bliss! I'm so awestruck by how beautiful this place is... woah, a very good place to be over Christmas I must say!!!
Tomorrow I am back to work in a big way... getting all the pre-orders sorted out, pulling all the new seasons fabrics. All the collections for the official launch are now ready, and I'm VERY excited to get them made up in their final fabrics!
I hope you have all had the most wonderful Christmas, and are feeling the bloat in all it's Christmas glory! As you should be!!!
Here, I am wearing the maxi version of the Disco Pony Natalie in a cool golden semi-matte sequin. I'm really liking wearing this in the day time with my trusted vintage belt and a lightweight khaki jacket to grunge it up a little more!
All it needs to transition into night is a quick shoe change and a snappy bubbye to mr belt, et voila you are good ta go! Lips stay red at ALL TIMES- Obviously!!! ;) xx

Photography by Albert Dedeu


grlcreative.com.mx said...

this dress is amazing!



Unknown said...

Such a gorgeous dress, not sure if I prefer the original or the maxi version- they're both so beautiful! I love it with the belt and jacket!

Her Persona said...

oh my! wow love it.


Caroline Josephine said...

While Maxi dresses are not my thing, this looks amazing! I love the loooooong slit up the side ;D

GDedeu said...

Z this dress is AMAZING!! I love it. Xx


rachel said...

Gorgeous dress! It looks amazing on you x

The Disco Pony Girl (CEO and Designer at Disco Pony) said...

Thanks guysss! So glad you approve!!! :) <3

Angie | Pandaphilia.com said...

the dress is amazing! i love the side slits :) sequins are THE thing this holiday season

pandaphilia style

RICHA S said...

oh i love this maxi dress.... & that long slit makes it soooo sexy.....

chk ma blog

Hollee said...

You cute thing you! Love love love the dress!! Obviously. And those shoes are B-E-A-utiful



T like Bubble Tea ... said...

what an incredible dress! I must order one for this year :) Loving the performance video and the amazing crazy account of your living conditions in the student days. You never fail to inspire me! Happy new years hun!!!! Let 2012 be the best year for you yet!

Unknown said...

wow beautiful sequin dress. love the slit up the side.


Alizée said...

Amaziiing dress wow! you look GORGEOUS! I love sequin !

Xxx Lizzie

Eye said...

I love to see this dress and You look great in this outfit. I am so crazy about different outfits so i like this post.
hostess Roma