Saturday, 28 January 2012

Hollywood's Golden (Disco) Couple

The ever goooorgeous Danielle McPartlin with hubby Ryan in her Gold Natalie Disco Pony Dress
I've undoubtedly had some completely incredible beauties rocking the Natalie out... but when Danielle sent me over this photo, I went all light headed wowowow style, because BOY O' BOY does THIS girl know how to make THAT dress look all kinds of WOAH NELLY! What an outrageously stunning couple! Totally honored to see her rocking it so well- Being so delicately snuggled up by Ryan doesn't hurt the overall beauty of this shot either- any Chuck fans out there will agree I'm suuuure!!! Thanks guys! You rock my world! ;) xx


Whitney said...

the dress is stunning on her!


Soulful Mama said...

Yay! I love Chuck!

She is totally rocking this amazing dress of yours!!

~ Clare x

Victoria said...

This dress is amazeballs. I love everything Disco Pony. :)


blue roses said...

amazing dress! love it!

everYOURS everMINE said...

that dress is AWESOME! and that couple lovely... :)


Madelyn said...

Agreed- It is Stunning! Or, how you like to say it "Amazeballs!"
You are genius. I must get my hands on some of the lovely goods at Disco Pony!!!

Jojo P. said...

She is very pretty. Very photogenic and I love the dress!
