Monday, 13 February 2012

A Leopard Never Changes it's Dots...

Leopard Print Boots: Zara, Shorts: H&M, Polka Dot Shirt: Thrifted (and hacked to bits!) Hat: Vintage

I (being a human-not a leopard) just never change ... full stop- (clothing wise I mean- growing wise, well I like to think I do that a lot!) but for the purpose of blogging- I totally do! All the time!!! ;)
This shirt is strategically tucked in right now... It used to be dress length, but as I so often like to get the scissors out when excessive stretches of fabric start bugging me, it is now an ocean of different wave(y) lengths. aka. Hacked up Zoey style, whereby taking it off my body whilst cutting is deemed totally inappropriate and a total waste of time!
Hong Kong weather is about as sporadic as my shirt hem right now too... Some days totally allowing for this sort of clothing behavior... others...2 or three coats suffice!
I suggest you look away for a few (billion) blog posts if you are over and out, want to vom with the whole jumping photos thing... I despised them with a passion when facebook deemed them the only way to pose for a while... but now things on the jumping scene seem to have cooled down, and I can jump away at my hearts content! Ohh yess! BOINGGGG

Hope you're all very well bunnies indeed xx

Photography by Albert Dedeu


~Jeimy~ said...

Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this look the polka dots with the leopard gorgeous!!!

Lizzie said...

CUTE! Those boots are fun :))


The Disco Pony Girl (CEO and Designer at Disco Pony) said...

hehe thanks guys!!! SO FUN! <3

Natalie Suarez said...


natalie nat tat tatttt.

Arina Nahya N Nafia said...

YOUR SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!<333

Yuki Lusiana Eka said...

adore to your shoes <33333

Unknown said...

LOVE this! xoxo

The Beatniq said...

I'm jealous it's warm enough in hong kong to wear shorts.

Marta Merino said...

Love your blog!!
I'm a new follower!!!

Kisses! (:

Anna said...

I love the first one, you are beautiful ! xx