Thursday, 4 April 2013

The Pregnant LBD!

I've said it before... and I shall say it again! All you need is stretch Jersey and you are IN!!! #MaternitySmaternity! 


Synthetically Elegant said...

Your post made me lough. Don't you just want baby to pop out already? :D

The Disco Pony Girl (CEO and Designer at Disco Pony) said...

@synthetically Elegant! Haha!!! Urm yes and no! I think by the time the next 8/9 weeks is up I will be desperate for baby to be out with us in the world!!!! (I'll be at least twice the size because he will be by then!!!) Woah belly!!! ;) x

Sally-Louise said...

Love your logic here, such a lush dress!! :) x

Anne said...

You look adorable in that dress!

Tanya said...

This is cute! Congrats.

Unknown said...

You look so gorgeously elegant!

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